How to Build Scalable Asynchronous Teams So You Can Live a Kick-Ass Life and Still Make a Bunch of Money

Courtesy of Matt Barnes [Proteus Digital Labs]

In this workshop from May 2024, Matt Barnes teaches how to use an asynchronous model to have a successful philosophy of hiring, build internal systems, and manage others’ expectations so you can more easily scale and protect your time…

Tune in For: 

  • How asynchronicity helps you make more money with less time (2:47)
  • Why your workflow sucks and how to fix it (5:51)
  • Why your team sucks and how to fix it (15:50)
  • Why your lifestyle sucks and how to fix it (23:13) 
  • Q&A – How to efficiently disseminate information externally (34:10)
  • Q&A – How to fit employee 1:1s into an asynchronous model (38:55)
  • Q&A – How to go about finding a VA 46:23)
  • Q&A – The nitty gritty of getting work done asynchronously (48:56)

Click Here to View/Download the Transcript

More About Matt: 

Matthew leads Proteus Digital Lab, a consultancy made up of conversion rate optimization, analytics and development gurus specializing in scaling small to medium sized businesses to their next level. With more than 10 years of ecommerce experience, he has built and remotely led multidisciplinary teams to 100s of millions of dollars in optimization wins for some of the largest online retailers in the country. Matthew is also a huge local food advocate, avid rock climber, practitioner of parkour, and has just started fencing…