Caring For Your Aging Loved Ones

Courtesy of Annalee Kruger (Care Right) and David Duley (PlanGap)

Making plans for end-of-life care certainly isn’t a “sexy” topic, but the landscape of long-term care in the United States is pretty dismal and this isn’t a problem to just throw money at. 

And we knew that, but after talking to Annalee Michael and David were pretty freaked out…  money does not solve the problem without tons of planning

In this training, Michael Lovitch and David Duley begin their education with Annalee Kruger of Care Right. Annalee talks through the major hurdles involved with finding the right care solutions for your aging loved ones. 

Tune In For:

  • Why you need a plan yesterday
  • How to start making an Aging Plan 
  • Words & Language to be familiar with when weighing care options
  • What documents to have at your fingertips when you get the crisis call (A Grab-and-Go Binder)
  • Why you need to start shopping for facilities NOW
  • Considerations about home care versus a facility
  • Why your financial planner needs to be educated on your aging plan to prevent conflicts of interests

P.S. Click the link below for a digital copy of Annalee’s “Grab-and-Go” E-Binder.

Click Here to Access Annalee’s Grab-and-Go Binder

Click Here to View Annalee’s Presentation