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Home » Members » Rob Tyrer

Member Since: 2023


Robert Tyrer here. I’m in the financial space and I want to piss some people off in the traditional system.

No, I won’t apologize for it. Frankly, it needs to change radically. That’s what I’m building up to do.

I’m creating a truly free bank for all. You know, the kind of institution that gives a shit about people and wants to do good things for humanity.

We’re not going to hoard billions of dollars. Quite the opposite in fact. We’re going to be giving away approximately 50% of our profits to various arms length organizations.

There’s a few more challenging logistics involved but we’re building a super smart team of good humans who want to change the world to be able to tackle those very things.

Beyond the business side, I’m a husband, dog father as well as human father to 2 wickedly smart kiddos. My wife and I travel the globe working, having fun and gathering all the experiences we can. I truly love life and believe in growth mindset because when you choose to grow, all other areas of your life can improve.

If you’re still reading this… why? Just kidding, I love you for it. I’m so excited to be a part of this community of wonderfully like minded individuals. I can’t wait to see what’s in store!!!