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Home » Members » Jaymie Friesen

Member Since: 2024


After sneaking his Dad’s credit card so he could order parts from China at 13, Jaymie started his first business customizing Blackberry’s. Angry dad got paid back with interest.

Jaymie gained most of his career experience in telecommunications SaaS and Ecom. His first exit came in 2020, from a brand of toxin-free compostable body care products, now branded as Long Wknd.

A rocky acquisition, working corporate and weird stuff on the news drove him a little bit insane.

He decided he would get some land, move to the forest, grow his own food and retire from society early.

Pretty soon people came asking for help on how to do the same, and Living The Off Grid Dream was born to help people get land and create a homestead, retreat centre, regenerative farm or community.

He resides on his 160 acre mountaintop, selling online courses and giving workshops, while building it into one of the top regenerative land management demonstration sites on the planet.

They specialize in educating about creative funding, rural land acquisition, income generation and project management.

The LTOD team is working towards building out full off-grid community developments to provide affordable land, expanding locations to multiple new countries, and building an ecosystem of businesses to support their clients such as affordable modular structures.

The grand plan is to raise a fund to expand and invest in their clients land projects. Like BlackRock but actually good for the world.