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Home » Members » Jenny Thompson

Member Since: 2016


Founder & CEO, D2C Consulting

In 1996, Jenny joined the team at Agora Inc. where she began her career with the company at The Oxford Club.

In her first year there, she tripled profits. On the heels of that success, the owners asked her to take over the fledgling health business. After just 10 months in that role, she increased the bottom line 500%.

Over the next 2 decades, Jenny introduced over a dozen newsletters, launched 4 supplement lines, and acquired a skincare company. At its peak, her business marketed 18 newsletters, more than 70 dietary supplements, and 8 skincare products to more than 1.2 million customers and prospects around the world, averaging 18% growth annually during her tenure.

In 2016, with the business projected to hit $70 million, Jenny made the decision to let the next generation take over and go out on her own. She spent a few years trying to make the gig, dating, and sharing apps safer and more equitable by creating SafetyPIN, a digital trust badge. Lacking the growth necessary and funding required, Jenny dissolved the company in 2022.

Moving away from her brief stint in the world of tech and venture, Jenny resumed her consulting career focusing on helping companies break out of ruts, identify what is holding them back, and build strategies and teams to get them growing again. Her unique process – and style – are detailed in The 3-Day Business Cleanse: How to Get the Sh*t Out of Your Business and Get Things Moving Again.